Name:The 11th International Amateur Pair Go Championship
Venue:Crowne Plaza Metropolitan-Tokyo
Participating Countries:22countries territories, 32pairs, 64individuals
Asia: China, Chinese, Taipei, D.P.R.Korea, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam
Europe: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Russian Fed.
North America: Canada, U.S.A.
Middle-South America: Colombia, Cuba
Oceania: Australia
Organizer:Japan Pair Go Association, The International Amateur
Pair Go Championship Excutive Committee
Supervise:International Go Federation
Sponsored by:Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Transport, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Nihon Ki-in, NHK, THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN, SANKEI SINBUN Co.,Ltd., NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN INC, The Mainichi Newspapers
Special Cooperation:East Japan Railway, HITACHI, JapanAirlines
Planning and Administration:NKB INK., La-Lala Planning
Cooperation:East Japan Marketing And Communication Inc., Go Weekly, THE DAILY YOMIURII
