Pro Pair Go Ricoh Cup 2004
People who wait for opening Receptionist scenery
In the end, the finalists were just as I had thought:
On Saturday, December 13, The Pro Pair Go Ricoh Cup Championship 2004 quarterfinals and semifinals were held at Ebisu The Garden Hall in Tokyo.
Two pairs, Ms. Inori 5-dan and the 25th Honinbo Chikun and the Women's Honinbo, Women's Meijin Izumi Kobayashi and the Kisei Keigo Yamashita, were expected that the finalists won out of the best 16 pairs. Let's see how it went.
Victory-or-defeat table
Tournament table
It was these16 pairs that fought their way through the quarterfinal game. The quarterfinalists were narrowed down from 32 to 16 pairs.Before the game, in the waiting room, it felt as if the participants had quieted down and became more anxious.
Their facial expressions were grim.
At this point, the participants whispered to one another "We've come this far, we're not going to give up!" While this was happening, Mr. Cho and his fiance Izumi were happily playing Life and Death Problems.If Mr. Cho and Ms. Kobayashi both win the first game, they will match off in the semi-final game.
Soon thereafter, the 25th Honinbo Chikun came in as everyone congratulated him on his Sansei Cup win in South Korea.
Previously, the 25th Honinbo Chikun had played the first round in Japan on December 5th. After that, he went to South Korea and won the Sansei Cup between December 6th-12th.
After coming back, he participated in the quarterfinals in Japan again. This was a difficult schedule for him. His opponents said "You must be tired!" They added "Please be easy on us!" The 25th Honinbo Chikun replied "No, I'm afraid I must win today!"
Soon thereafter, the game began.
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